Xiaomi Air Purifier Series 4

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Xiaomi Air Purifier Series 4


Free delivery within Denpasar

Delivery outside of Denpasar may inquire charges

3-day Item Exchange

If within 3 days of delivery, there is a manufacturing problem found with the item, we will provide a replacement as soon as possible After 3 days, the item will be subject to Manufacturer's Warranty Terms and Conditions

100% Original

Our Items are guaranteed Originals - and rest assured that each of them have a dedicated service center in Bali, Surabaya or Jakarta so Product Service will be faster and more managable

Xiaomi Official Warranty:

  • Sparepart: 1 Year

Sebelum melakukan pembayaran, mohon konfirmasi dahulu mengenai keberadaan stok warna pilihan anda melalui 0361 236007 | 0361227479 |  Whatsapp 081239023463
Klaim Garansi bisa dilakukan ke kami / langsung ke service center di kota terdekat anda. Terima kasih.

Before making a purchase, please contact us to confirm the availability of the item that you want via 0361 236007 | 0361227479 |  Whatsapp 081239023463
Warranty Claims can be done through our store / directly to the service centre representative in your city. Thank you.

Parameter Value
Weight 16 kg



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